Observatree associates
We work with organisations that recognise the importance and implications of tree health.
We can boost the work of local teams by bringing our knowledge to the table. If you would like to discuss whether a potential collaboration with your organisation would be mutually beneficial please email us at observatree@woodlandtrust.org.uk.

National Trust for Scotland
Observatree has joined forces with the National Trust for Scotland, meaning that volunteers can help keep an eye on the health of more trees all over Scotland, from East to West and the Solway Firth to the Northern Isles.
Ann Steele, Head of Heritage Gardening Policy, National Trust for Scotland said; "We look after many of Scotland’s most valued and precious gardens and wider landscapes, and their trees, on behalf of everyone. Having trained Observatree volunteers on the lookout for priority pests and diseases can only help us to spot any problems early and support essential decision-making, to ensure these special places are protected now and for future generations."

To expand areas in Scotland surveyed by Observatree volunteers, we’ve joined together with NatureScot to access trees in suitable National Nature Reserves and Protected Areas. This has opened up more opportunities for Observatree volunteers to liaise with NatureScot staff to survey and monitor trees on these sites.
Jenny Park, Invasive Non-Native Species Officer said: “Novel pests and diseases pose a significant and long-term threat to biodiversity and the health of our ecosystems. NatureScot is delighted to support Observatree volunteers in undertaking tree health surveys on some of our most important wildlife sites, and to help promote awareness of tree health in Scotland.”

Association of Tree Officers
Observatree has joined with the Association of Tree Officers (ATO) to help increase our survelliance work.
Al Smith FICFor, ATO Director said "Local Authority and Housing Association Tree Officers across the country, who manage the valuable and significant tree resource on land in the UK, can benefit from this collaboration with Observatree. We can increase the number of people contributing towards the surveillance and reporting of tree pests and diseases using the resources and training materials that Observatree provides. These resources help to keep both tree professionals and members of the public up to date with tree health and biosecurity."

English Heritage
Observatree has teamed up with English Heritage to offer our volunteers access to 380 new locations that can be surveyed for signs of tree pests and diseases. This opens up thousands of trees that can be monitored to help understand more about tree health.
Christopher Weddell, Senior Gardens Advisor, English Heritage said: “We care for very special gardens and landscapes, many of which have notable historic trees. Having Observatree volunteers working with us to spot early warning signs of significant tree pests and diseases on or around our sites will help enormously with their future wellbeing.”

The Yorkshire Arboretum
The Yorkshire Arboretum has joined Observatree to aid with tree pest and disease awareness and information. The Yorkshire Arboretum has a new Tree Health Centre, which Observatree hopes to utilise for future meetings and training.
Jonathan Burton, Education, Records and Science Manager, the Yorkshire Arboretum said; “We are glad to provide a unique learning environment for the Observatree team to use, and to learn from the information that the Observatree volunteers reveal within the collection. The Yorkshire Arboretum takes pride in supporting citizen science to fulfil its role in monitoring of national tree health".

Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh has teamed up with Observatree to enable improved tree health surveillance across its four gardens in Scotland and to host training for volunteers across its extensive tree collections.
Dr Matt Elliot, Plant Health & Biosecurity Scientist at RBGE said; “Surveillance is critical for the early detection of new pests and diseases, allowing for a quicker management response should an issue be spotted. Observatree is therefore a valuable initiative which increases eyes on the ground and improves the chances of finding a newly introduced species early so that management can get underway. This not only benefits our own gardens but also other landowners and the wider environment in Scotland.”

Royal Botanic Gardens Kew
Kew has teamed up with Observatree to aid with tree health monitoring.
Simon Toomer, Curator of Living Collections, comments: "The Royal Botanic Gardens Kew cares for two of the UK’s most valuable tree collections at its gardens at Kew and Wakehurst Place. We are really pleased to work with Observatree and its volunteers in monitoring pests and diseases that could threaten these collections. We also hope that this work will lead to greater understanding of these threats to trees more widely in the countryside and gardens."

The Gravetye Estate
The Gravetye Estate was left to the nation by the visionary Victorian gardener William Robinson and its 750 acres of woodland and farmland will be accessible to Observatree volunteers to be surveyed for signs of tree pests and diseases.
Mary Barkham, Trustee for the William Robinson Gravetye Charity, said "We are delighted to be working in partnership with Observatree to provide an early warning of pest and disease problems on the estate. It is of particular importance as we wish to continue Robinson’s legacy and plant a range of more experimental trees which we hope will provide future resilience both to climate change and pests and diseases".

The Royal Forestry Society
The Royal Forestry Society recognises the impacts tree pests and diseases are having on today’s woodland and forests and the increasing risks of new pests and diseases that climate change brings. Fighting and mitigating these risks must be combined effort from all those interested in woodland and land management. We are delighted to have joined Observatree in that fight.
Christopher Williams, Royal Forestry Society Chief Executive says: "Pests and diseases can have a huge impact on our forests. They already affect our current tree stock, and they are increasingly impacting on decisions about the trees we are wanting to plant and the way we may plant them. The more people who contribute to Observatree, the better the picture we will get about what is happening and any trends which are emerging. That information will make us collectively better able to protect our forests and woodlands which we know provide so many benefits to local economies, the environment and to the wider society.”

UK Garden Sentinel Network
Lara Salido from Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI), and Mercy Morris from PlantNetwork said "PlantNetwork and BGCI are pleased to collaborate with Observatree in establishing the UK Garden Sentinel Network (UKGSN). Effective plant health surveillance relies on the combined practical efforts of technical experts, citizen scientists, and our diverse plant collections, gardens, and parks. By working together now, we can monitor and address emerging threats, protecting our plant heritage for future generations."

British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums (BIAZA)
Observatree is working with the British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums (BIAZA) to support zoos and aquariums in monitoring and managing the health of the trees across their sites.
Nicky Needham, Head of Species Conservation & Management said “Conservation and preservation of the native plants and natural habitats within our sites is every bit as important as caring for our more exotic species. Managing and monitoring tree health is an important tool, and this partnership will help ensure our members are well-equipped to carry out the necessary surveillance work to help keep sites safe from pests and disease, whilst allowing our community to contribute to important national datasets and learnings.”