New Year, new leadership

Forest Research
Since approached to take on the role of Observatree Project Manager, I have inevitably been on a steep learning curve to understand the past, present and future direction of the project.
Observatree has benefited from the previous lead of Kate Hutchinson (Forest Research). As Kate leaves for pastures new, her on-going dedication and professional approach ensures that I am left with a comprehensive ‘to do’ list. I don’t think I’ll get bored! On behalf of everyone involved with Observatree, I would like to thank Kate for her hard work and support in getting the project to where it is.
As I learn more about Observatree, I am very impressed with the success of the project to date. It is clear that there is a lot of hard work being put into it, both by members of the project team and volunteers. The updated website is packed with useful information and new content regularly added. With training, engagement events, a European conference and further publicity planned for 2016, we should continue to take Observatree from strength to strength.
I believe Observatree is making a positive contribution to monitoring tree health and will personally work hard with others on the project team to ensure it is fully recognised. As an employee of Forest Research for almost 30 years, I have a broad depth of forestry related knowledge and experience which I hope will bring a new perspective and positive contribution to the Observatree table. I look forward to working with and meeting some of you during the coming year.
Finally, I would just like to thank everyone for their contributions and support with this project to date and wish you all a healthy and prosperous New Year.