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Phytophthora austrocedri detailed information
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Phytophthora ramorum field identification guide
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Plane wilt - Pest alert
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Seasonal Survey Highlights Summer
A short introduction to the hosts of the month for summer, and a very brief introduction to the variety of different priority pests featured on the Observatree website
Resource Library
Training Videos
Induction Three: Tree Alert and Sentinel Trees [2023]
Induction three introduces the Tree Alert platform, and sentinel tree surveying.
New look for TreeAlert!
Lucy Turner, TreeAlert Coordinator, gives an overview of some of the latest improvements to the TreeAlert system.
Lucy Turner • 18 Jul 2023
What makes a priority pest or disease for Observatree? Celebrating 10 years of Observatree.
Dr Charles Lane, Consultant Plant Pathologist at Fera Science Ltd., has been an integral part of the Observatree team since the project was launched, helping to provide technical tree health advice and training to the volunteers. Every year Charles leads on a review of the list of Priority pests and diseases that are the focus of Observatree. The number of tree pests and diseases known to be present in the UK has increased in recent years and others are thought to be heading our way. Which ones are of greatest concern? Are they suitable for citizen science? In this webinar, Charles outlines the current concerns within tree health, the importance of reviewing the Observatree Priority list and how he works with tree and plant health colleagues to recommend changes to the list.
Winter Webinar - Tree Canopy Assessments
Crown condition is used to score how healthy trees are. Essentially, the more leaves a tree has the more energy it can produce and use for growth and defence against pests and pathogens. Crown condition can be assessed visually to give an estimate of foliage density. This is a simple process but it has traditionally relied on extensive training and calibration activities to ensure agreement between individuals.
Crown condition monitoring has been undertaken by Forest Research since the 1980s, but only at 84 sites with oak trees. We would like to understand the changing condition of oak trees at a wider number of locations, and we think sentinel tree monitoring by citizen scientists could help us achieve this goal. As part of the BacStop project ( ) we ran a series of workshops in 2021 and 2023 to develop training materials and methods that would allow volunteers to participate in crown condition monitoring. Here we present a summary of work to date as well as plans to continue this work.
Nathan Brown is an environmental modeller at Forest Research. He works on oak health monitoring and surveillance of tree pests and diseases. He has an interest in developing methods to interpret and add value to volunteered data.
Recorded on Feb 21 202400:30:31
Agrilus fleischeri - UK risk register entry
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