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Bronze Birch Borer - October 2022
Bronze birch borer – an overview. Bronze birch borer is one of several Agrilus species which are tree pests. Although not present in the UK, it has damaged and killed European birch species where these have been planted in its native North American range. It is considered a significant potential threat to birch in the UK, were it to be introduced here. This webinar will provide an overview of bronze birch borer, including the beetle’s life cycle, it’s pest status in north American, the threat it poses to the UK and a summary of a recent research project.
Canaries, cheese and sentinel trees.
Video • 00:26:00
Winter Webinar - Forestry Commission Tree Health Champions
Emma Aspin, Biosecurity Officer for the Forestry Commission, will be joining us to talk about their staff tree health champion scheme. 13 12 2023
Pests and diseases
Oriental Chestnut Gall Wasp
The oriental chestnut gall wasp larvae cause galls to develop on the buds, leaves and leaf stalks of sweet chestnut trees making them vulnerable to other pests and diseases.
Host of the month - Maple
This month Matt Parratt looks at Maples (Sapindaceae family), Asian longhorn beetle and Citrus longhorn beetle.
Matt Parratt • 19 Sep 2024
Host of the month - Ash
Matt Parratt highlights Common ash (Fraxinus excelsior), the well-known ash dieback disease and its associated pest, Emerald ash borer.
Matt Parratt • 14 Nov 2024
Host of the month - Pine
Matt Parratt discusses the different types of Pine (Pinus) and Dothistroma needle blight (DNB).
Matt Parratt • 15 Jul 2024
TreeAlert Demystified: What happens when you submit a report?
A question that the Tree Health Diagnostic and Advisory Service team are often asked is, ‘What happens when I send in a TreeAlert enquiry, how does it all work?’ Here, Chris Berman, entomology diagnostician at Forest Research, pulls back the curtain on what goes on behind the scenes!
Chris Berman • 23 Jan 2025
Pests and diseases
Agrilus fleischeri
Native to Asia, this beetle can infest poplar and willow trees with the beetles emerging from spring onwards.
An Introduction to recording the location of a tree
Video • 00:12:21