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Sweet chestnut blight - Import and movement controls
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Chalara screening for resistence trials
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International Collaborations
Pests and diseases do not respect international borders.
Volunteers to help survey historic trees
English Heritage are delighted to collaborate with Observatree, to allow Tree Health Surveyors access to English Heritage sites in support of the early warning system for tree health issues in England.
Christopher Weddell • 30 Mar 2018
Can you help us to understand the distribution of Gypsy Moth in Britain?
Expert entomologist Max Blake gives us an insight into the lifecycle of the gypsy moth and how you can help us monitor it's distribution.
Max Blake • 19 May 2018
David Griffith, Tree Health Surveyor, goes above and beyond for tree health
David Griffith has been volunteering as a Tree Health Surveyor since 2014. Along with over 200 other volunteers involved in the project, David is tasked with surveying woods and trees for signs of pests and diseases including Chalara dieback of ash.
Helen Jones • 24 Apr 2017
Spruce and Plane Webinar - October 2021
A webinar delivered to Observatree volunteers on 7th October 2021 about the pests and diseases of spruce and plan trees. Delivered by Suzanne Sancisi-Frey, Forest Research.
Oak Processionary Moth Update
Oak processionary moth (OPM), introduced to the London area in 2005, is a pest of oak trees. The OPM team at Forestry Commission give us an update on the situation.
Andrew Hoppit & Millie Toft • 11 Nov 2020